ML/AI Designed for the Financial Industry

Enterprises are embracing and industrializing AI/ML solutions on a large scale to revolutionize the way individuals and companies deal with money.

Join the movement through the use of Sway AI’s no-code visual platform to transform the financial industry.

No-Code Finance Applications

KYC Management

Sway AI’s KYC application can perform facial verification, documents verification, address verification, and various other checks in a single cycle, as  our AI is fully equipped to perform sophisticated procedures instantly.

Regulatory Compliance Management

Sway AI’s Regulatory Compliance application leverages natural language processing (NLP) to proactively, and ongoing basis, scan through, evaluate and interpret regulatory content and automatically shortlist applicable requirements.

Anti-Money Laundering (AML)

Sway AI’s AML application is used to analyze vast pools of data and raise a red flag if something is found such as unusual transactions or account activity that could be considered suspicious.