Benefits of the Sway AI & AWS Global Partnership

Cost Optimization & Reliability

We offer the Sway AI No-Code Visual Platform as a SaaS application running on AWS, resulting in a cost-optimized and highly reliable solution that meets your enterprise’s needs.

Virtually Infinite Capacity

Serverless implementation on AWS infrastructure enables compute resources to be allocated on demand based on the workload requirements of the AI application.

Managed Security & Compliance

Combining Sway AI’s security capabilities with AWS environment results in a highly secure environment for customer data.


Sway AI No-Code Visual Platform

Build powerful AI workflows without writing code using the Sway AI No-Code Visual Platform that runs on AWS. Business Users can quickly and effectively implement AI applications by utilizing Sway AI’s built-in expertise and a best-in-class prebuilt library of end-to-end AI workflows. 


Focus On Your Business Solutions not the Technical Details of AI

Sway AI’s technology empowers your business users, domain experts, and analysts to solve their problems without the need for technical data science expertise.
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